i gave up on the text based adventure. it was way out of my league, considering i dont know enough about programming techniques yet. way too many bugs.
speaking of things buggy, the Nintendo DS has just released yet another HORRIBLY HORRIBLE port of one of an amazing game (the first one being the splinter cell port, which was ALSO done by Ubisoft). KING KONG for the DS is supposedly "unambitious, boring, ugly, and buggy." There is an extensive although insulting review on Gamespot.com. The good news, for all you nintendo fans, the horribleness wasnt due to inferior hardware, but to lack of ambition and any effort at all on the developer's part. apparently Ubisoft puts much more talent into their console games than their DS ports.
http://www.gamespot.com/ds/action/kingkong/review.html?sid=6140814ew. just... ew.
It got a 2.8/10 and here are some memorable review quotes:
"This poor excuse of a first-person shooter is so bad that other developers should study it and use it as a guide for what to avoid when putting together similar games in the future. "
"Ironically, even though this is a first-person shooter, players rarely get the opportunity to shoot at things"
" For whatever reason, though, someone on the development team decided that the spear and pistol should be more effective than the shotgun or machine gun. "
"The woefully inadequate 3D graphics engine is about on par with the early Turok games that were on the Nintendo 64."
"The rendition of Ann Darrow, played in the film by Naomi Watts, looks sickly, as if she were recently bitten by a zombie and decided to trade in her designer duds for a burlap sack."
"Bullets and spears will pass right through enemies if they're at point-blank range. Sometimes, Jack can walk through walls, which may cause you to fall to your death in a vague polygonal abyss. The game also has a nasty habit of resetting itself, particularly in the ninth level when Jack and Hayes encounter a set of crabs. A less-annoying glitch, but one that's amusing to witness, is when an enemy slides sideways across the ground, like on a sheet of ice, and eventually just disappears right into a wall."